TPS在12月14日公佈2011年世界女運動員前30名搜尋排名榜,美國網球名將小威(Serena Williams)以天量的搜尋量,高居全球第一位,連續兩年登上網路搜尋最大贏家的女運動員。
今年Google網路搜尋排行榜前30名最受歡迎的選手依舊是網球,全球女網球選手就占了六成的18席,其中包含居次的俄羅斯美女Maria Sharapova、球后丹麥Caroline Wozniacki從去年榜外一下就躍進第3名,及奪下法網冠軍的亞洲第一人李娜也擠進第14名。
Google搜尋︰The 30 Most Googled Female Athletes of 2011
美國名將小威(Serena Williams)以天量#125,000,000榮獲搜尋榜首
搜尋量居次的俄羅斯美女Maria Sharapova
球后丹麥Caroline Wozniacki勇奪第3名
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The 30 Most Googled Female Athletes of 2011
As 2011 begins to draw to a close, we here at Total Pro Sports thought this would be a perfect time to revisit and update our list of the world’s most Googled female athletes.
It was a pretty big year for women’s sports. The biggest event of course was the 2011 Woman’s World Cup, which was more exciting and more popular than ever before. Women’s tennis also got a big boost this year thanks to the return of it’s biggest star, Serena Williams, who had been out for the better part of a year. How did all of this affect this year’s results? You’ll have to read the list to find out.
So without any further ado, here are the world’s most popular female athletes in 2011 as measured by the number of Google search results from the past 12 months.
美國女足球守門員Hope Solo(9)
美籍韓裔高爾夫美少女魏聖美Michelle Wie(12)
美國蛙泳名將兼名模Amanda Beard(15)
美國沙灘女排球名將Misty May(26)
TPS公佈的年度網路搜尋前30名女選手橫跨運動各領域,例︰美國女足球守門員Hope Solo(9)、美籍韓裔高爾夫美少女魏聖美Michelle Wie(12)、美國蛙泳名將兼名模Amanda Beard(15)、美國沙灘女排球名將Misty May(26)等...都榜上有名。綜觀要在搜尋榜上占有一席之地,除了要有顯著成績之外,還需兼具個人魅力和新聞話題都不能少。